Welcome to Lewisham Green Party!

Forthcoming meetings

Exciting news – Welcome Councillor Hau-Yu Tam

Tuesday 25th February 7 – 9pm (food from 7:00, meeting 7:30), St Laurence’s Church hall, 37 Bromley Rd SE6 2TS

On Monday afternoon, Evelyn councillor Hau-Yu Tam joined the Lewisham Green Party and made an announcement outside the town hall. We are very pleased to welcome her into the Party.

Please come to our members’ meeting next Tuesday to meet Hau-Yu, who will introduce herself to members and take questions. It is wonderful for us to have representation on the Council once again. Members are welcome to bring a friend.

Members will be sent a zoom link to join remotely if they prefer this.

May Action Day and leafleting

Our next action day will be in May, and in the meantime members are also delivering our latest leaflet. Please get in touch if you’d like to help us deliver our newsletter.

COME and campaign with us!

Our Policies

Only Greens have a record of speaking up for action strong enough to tackle the climate change emergency.

Greens are passionate about building a country where everyone has a good quality of life.

Community is at the heart of everything Greens do.

🏡 Putting residents first – regularly speaking to and listening to residents through surveys on your doorstep

🚲 Healthy Streets – support for cyclists, pedestrians and public transport, school streets and clean air

🏢 Renters’ rights – we’ll use the new landlord register to improve housing and ban rogue landlords

🏠 Insulating housing – retrofit for all types of housing, reducing energy bills and carbon emissions.

❤ Primary and community care provision – give health and the NHS the priority they need

♻ Waste and Recycling – phase out single-use plastic in council buildings, improve Lewisham’s low recycling rate (27%)

🚮 Reducing fly tipping – identifying hotspots, increasing preventative measures, and making it easier to dispose of large waste


Campaign for the London Mayor and London Assembly members!

A brief analysis for Lewisham Green Party:

Deptford by-election 2nd May 2024

Green 944  (28%)

Labour 2642 (79%)

This is a creditable result for a paper candidate, and we are a very clear second, but it remains an incredibly solid Labour ward.

London Mayor and Assembly 2nd May 2024/

Greenwich and Lewisham results:

 London MayorConstituencyAssembly (PR/London wide)
Green7%28294 17.6%24248 15.1%
Labour52%80101 49.7%73773 46%
Conservative22%25960 16.1%25826 16.1%

These results indicate a lot of people were squeezed into voting Labour for fear of Conservative in the Mayoral election, but they understood to vote Green for the assembly.  They also indicate a personal vote for Karin Tearle, our candidate, as she has been campaigning very visibly.  But not all those who voted for Karin voted Green under the pr section.

Distribution of Lewisham Vote

There is an opportunity during the verification process to observe the ballot boxes being opened by ward (but not by voting district, as there are 5-7 in each ward, and these do not include postal votes).  We counted several hundred ballots in ten wards .

This is a table of the ratio of Green to Labour ie an expression of the gap between us:

WardNumber of ballots observedRatio Green to Labour
Telegraph hill1860.84
Lee Green630.65
Crofton Park1960.54
Hither Green1310.50
Lew Central1070.46
Forest Hill1310.45

Please view these figures sceptically!  The ballot boxes we managed to observe are not necessarily ‘typical’ of that ward.  Some counting agents empty the boxes in a visible way, others cover the ballots (they have no obligation to be helpful).   Finally there are special factors in this election (the squeeze, the need to kick the Tories) which may not translate into future campaigns for Lewisham borough.

Nevertheless it illustrates what we already know – our vote is consistently half or more Labour’s, never more, and it is a bit more concentrated in the west.

Tim Crossley

Website hosted by the Green Party, Lewisham PO Box 78066 London SE16 9GQ

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